Title: Franklin Square Bulletin
Date: Thursday, January 31, 1980
Description: Vol. 40 No. 48 2078th Consecutive Issue
Price: Ten cents
Scope: Franklin Square, Elmont, West Hempstead, Garden City South
Points of Interest:
- “Vial of Life” program for senior citizens
- Upcoming Sewanhaka Central High School District Music Festival
- Cover to Cover: Franklin Square Public Library by Dorothy Gunzenhauser
- Theodore Roosevelt Rep. Club News by Jack Blackman
- Engagement announcement for Cheryl Ann Torsiello and Frank Joseph Adipietro
- G.O.P. Gossip: Franklin Square Republican Club, Inc. by Virginia Johnson
- American Legion Auxiliary Franklin Square No. 1014 news
- 4-H news
- The Theatre District by David Spencer
- Shows covered: Modigliani
- Boy Scout, Cub Scouts, and Girl Scouts news
- Town Talk by Al D’Amato, Hempstead Presiding Supervisor
- Wydler’s Washington by Congressman John W. Wydler
- Long Island Junior Soccer League inducts Peter C. Panse into the LIJSL Hall of Fame
- Carey Corner by Evelyn O’Connor
- Fire Box: Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department by Bob Bogseth
- Franklin Square Lions Club by Dr. H. Russell
- Your Peephole by Henry Emmeluth
Photograph Subjects:
- Page 1:
- Chairman of the Nassau County Board of Assessors explains tax assessment at Franklin Square Senior Center meeting
- Pictured: Josephine Schwerer, President; William Cannistraci, Treasurer; Mary O’Brien, Second Vice President; Abe Seldin, Chairman of the Nassau County Board of Assessors; Sue Ann Celetano, Assistant Director of the Senior Center
- Carey High School welcomes new exchange student from Chile
- Pictured: Susan Heitmann; Mrs. Heitmann; Flavia Schappacasse, exchange student; Mrs. E. Thun, Chairperson of the Language Department
- Chairman of the Nassau County Board of Assessors explains tax assessment at Franklin Square Senior Center meeting
- Page 2:
- Portrait
- Pictured: Cheryl Ann Torsiello
- Portrait
- Page 8:
- Franklin General Hospital’s Medical Explorer Post members review a presentation
- Pictured: Mario Oliverio, Cythohistologist; Margie Nee; Suzanne Giglio
- Franklin General Hospital’s Medical Explorer Post members review a presentation