Title: Franklin Square Bulletin
Date: Thursday, January 17, 1980
Description: Vol. 40 No. 46 2076th Consecutive Issue
Price: Ten cents
Scope: Franklin Square, Elmont, West Hempstead, Garden City South
Points of Interest:
- James M. Wachtler Tribute Fund benefits Franklin General Hospital
- Memory Lane by Virginia Gerbe
- Birth announcement for Courtney Ann DiGioia, born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward DiGioia Jr.
- Your Peephole by Henry Emmeluth
- Cover to Cover: Franklin Square Public Library by Dorothy Gunzenhauser
- Fire Box: Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department by Bob Bogseth
- Franklin Square Lions Club by Dr. H. Russell
- Marriage announcement for Maureen Elizabeth Kiefer and Randall C. Frank
- Democratic Doings by Fred J. Hirsh
- Theodore Roosevelt Rep. Club News by Jack Blackman
- Carey High School Honor Roll, Classes 1980-1985
- G.O.P. Gossip: Franklin Square Republican Club, Inc. by Virginia Johnson
- Carey Corner by Evelyn O’Connor
Photograph Subjects:
- Page 1:
- Chairman of the Nassau County Board of Assessors a guest speaker at Nassau Community College’s Real Property Law class
- Pictured: George Leftoff, Esq., instructor; Abe Seldin, Chairman of the Nassau County Board of Assessors; Students (unnamed)
- Kick-off of the “Vial of Life” program at the Elmont Senior Center
- Pictured: (Sitting) Emil Winkler, Club President; Bea Stone, Director of the Elmont Senior Center; (Standing) Ethel Fentou, Director of the Elmont Senior Center; Ellen Carpenter, President of the Elmont Senior Center; Paula Zatlin, Field Representative for the Town’s Department of Services for the Aging; Joseph Cairo Jr., Town Councilman; Barbara Quinn, Community Service Representative and Program Coordinator; Nicholas Giordanu, member of the St. Vincent De Paul Advisory Board; George Krillke, Financial Secretary of the St. Vincent De Paul Society Over 50 Club
- Dedication ceremony for naming of Franklin General Hospital’s new Pathology Department Laboratory in honor of James Wachtler
- Pictured: Sol Wachtler, Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals; James M. Wachtler; Alfred F. Samenga, Judge of the County Court; Howard E. Levitt, Justice of the Supreme Court
- Chairman of the Nassau County Board of Assessors a guest speaker at Nassau Community College’s Real Property Law class
- Page 3:
- Engagement photo
- Pictured: William John Teitz; Lisa Marie Noeldechen
- Engagement photo
- Page 4:
- Commemoration of new Sons of Italy America Lodge No. 2245 meeting sign
- Pictured: Joeseph Montemarano, NYS First Assistant Venerable; Salvatore Palmeri, America Lodge Venerable
- Commemoration of new Sons of Italy America Lodge No. 2245 meeting sign
- Page 6:
- Exchange students at Carey High School
- Pictured: Hicleia Teresinha Lima; Flavia Schiappacasse
- Exchange students at Carey High School