Title: Franklin Square Bulletin
Date: Thursday, November 20, 1980
Description: Vol. 41 No. 38 2120th Consecutive Issue
Price: Twenty cents
Scope: Franklin Square, Elmont, West Hempstead, Garden City South
Points of Interest:
- Bulletin columnist Bill Tarlow nabs alleged thief in subway chase
- Top scholars in Social Studies at Sewanhaka High School
- Rabbi Geoffrey Botnick to be installed at the Jewish Community Center of West Hempstead
- Flash fire destroys Bove family home in Franklin Square, injures boys
- Carey teacher John Baumann appointed to State Education Department
- Donald Emmeluth receives doctoral degree
- The Franklin Square Historical Society by Virginia Gerbe
- Your Peephole by Henry Emmeluth
- Cover to Cover: Franklin Square Public Library by Peggy A. Kerrigan
- Polk Street School students sent art to World School Children’s Art Exhibit in the Republic of China
- Carey Corner by Kim Reitano
- 5th Precinct Police Report by P.O. James Fehling
- Dining Bulletins by Carla Cohen
- Restaurants covered: La Stella
- The Last Honest Man by Bill Tarlow
- The Wine Press by Alan Weinberg
- The Hotline by Dr. Muriel Weinstein and Dr. Alfred Weinstein
- Legal Bulletins by Jay Korn and Arthur Spirn
- Democratic Doings by Fred J. Hirsh
- G.O.P. Gossip: Franklin Square Republican Club, Inc. by Virginia Johnson
- 4-H news
- Theodore Roosevelt Rep. Club News by Jack Blackman
- Boy Scout news
- The Theatre District by David Spencer
- Shows covered: Fifth of July
Photograph Subjects:
- Page 1:
- Congressman-Elect McGrath visits apparel store Jessica’s in Franklin Square
- Pictured: Elsie Fein and Irving Fein, owners of Jessica’s; Raymond McGrath, Congressman-Elect; Maddi Mercurio and Dorothy Wilson, salespeople
- Congressman-Elect McGrath visits apparel store Jessica’s in Franklin Square
- Page 2:
- President of Plattduetsche Old Folks Home receives Citation
- Pictured: Joseph Cairo Jr., Town Councilman; John Pluschau, Plattduetsche President; Otto Schaefer, 1st Vice President; Alfred Kopf, 2nd Vice President
- President of Plattduetsche Old Folks Home receives Citation
- Page 3:
- Installation of new Sons of Italy members
- Pictured: Herb Capitolo, America Lodge 2245 Venerable; New members (unnamed)
- Installation of new Sons of Italy members
- Page 6:
- Firefighters at the Bove family house fire
- Pictured: Firefighters (unnamed)
- Firefighters at the Bove family house fire
- Page 7:
- Italian Cultural Night at Carey High School
- Pictured: Giuseppe Delia, master of ceremonies; Joseph Cairo Jr., Town Councilman; Salvatore Palmeri, event co-chairman; Herb Capitolo, Sons of Italy America Lodge 2245 Venerable; Assemblyman George Madison
- Dedication of Engine Co. 3’s new Peterbuilt pumper
- Pictured: Assemblyman Raymond McGrath; Lou Cusumano, Fire Commissioner; Connie Collins
- Italian Cultural Night at Carey High School
- Page 8:
- Franklin General Hospital receives Citation for outstanding service
- Pictured: Joseph Cairo Jr., Town Councilman; Anthony Verderosa, Citibank V.P.; Albert Dicker, Franklin General Executive Director
- Franklin General Hospital hypertension screenings
- Pictured: Lucille Creekmore, R.N.; Lena Maltese, volunteer blood-pressure testing coordinator; Lizzie Longo
- Franklin General Hospital receives Citation for outstanding service
- Page 9:
- Commercial artist William Murphy gives artwork to children at Washington Street School
- Pictured: William Murphy, artist; Children (unnamed)
- Commercial artist William Murphy gives artwork to children at Washington Street School
- Page 12:
- Astoria Federal holiday campaign with AHRC
- Pictured: Irene Platt, AHRC NYC Chapter President; Henry Drewitz, Astoria Federal President and Board Chairman
- Astoria Federal holiday campaign with AHRC
- Page 14:
- Channel 21’s Long Island Newsmagazine interview at Franklin General Hospital
- Pictured: John Miller, News Director; John Mallon, hospital patient
- Channel 21’s Long Island Newsmagazine interview at Franklin General Hospital
- Page 17:
- Pack 263 Cub Scouts tour the United Nations
- Pictured: Michael Devaney; Caesar Sanz; Tommy Kilfeather; Dominick Tuccio; Matthew Yeaman; Jimmy Jockie; Anthony Asaro; Jason Bates; Matthew Heller; Kenny Varin; Tour guide (unnamed)
- Pack 263 Cub Scouts tour the United Nations