Title: Franklin Square Bulletin
Date: Thursday, January 10, 1980
Description: Vol. 40 No. 45 2075th Consecutive Issue
Price: Ten cents
Scope: Franklin Square, Elmont, West Hempstead, Garden City South
Points of Interest:
- Sewanhaka Central High School District receives mini-grant under the provisions of the Nutrition Education and Training Act
- Girl Scout Cookie Sale
- Cover to Cover: Franklin Square Public Library by Dorothy Gunzenhauser
- Theodore Roosevelt Rep. Club News by Jack Blackman
- Your Peephole by Henry Emmeluth
- Carey Corner by Evelyn O’Connor
- Fire Box: Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department by Bob Bogseth
- Democratic Doings by Fred J. Hirsh
- Engagement announcement for Kathleen Ellen De Werth and Eric George Wildermuth
- Rotary Ramblings by William J. Wildermuth
Photograph Subjects:
- Page 1:
- First baby of 1980 born at Franklin General Hospital
- Pictured: Mrs. William E. Knight, R.N., Maternity Department Head Nurse; Jody Ann McGinley; Lisa Ann McGinley
- First baby of 1980 born at Franklin General Hospital
- Page 6:
- Portrait
- Pictured: Kathleen De Werth
- Portrait